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02 setembro 2019

Activation Code: What is this?

Hey guys!

From now on you noticed a small change in the blog. Some posts will be in more than one language, but do not worry, it will not be that samba! Will have a new role in some posts... the translation into English. Well,  at the moment it will only be in English since it is the second language that I master a little better. Sorry in the beginning, I'm still a little rusty! Spanish I'm still bad even being a bit like Portuguese. In this post you will see the translation of everything I write in Portuguese into another language. Let's see if it will really work!

Today I will be explaining what the activation code is. That code that appears inside the world in that gear. I have the craze to pick up questions that ask me per message and turn into posts. That's the question of someone else, right?

The activation code is nothing less than the game's own gift card and not from Google Play or iTunes. I believe everyone here knows what it is. I've even made a post explaining where to find and how to use. But in a brief summary, it serves to win some goodies like:10 000 wooz, 1 woozpet, spellz de moovz e 1 month vip. You can activate it for both the mural and the world:

P.S: I'm sorry for the image in Portuguese

2 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. Ele está parado, é diferente! Mas ainda continua sendo um dos mais vistos do WoozWorld Brasil! Ps.: HytZ aqui!

